

The Graduate Program in Agronomic Statistics and Experimentation (PPGEEA) is headquartered in the Department of Exact Sciences and is one of the founders of the Graduate Program at ESALQ, having completed 50 years in 2014. The PPGEEA has scored 5 according to the evaluation of CAPES and is compared to the best international programs in the area of ​​Experimental Statistics.

The faculty is highly qualified in teaching and research in Statistics and most of the professors have part of their training abroad.


The PPGEEA provides an environment of academic excellence for the formation of statisticians trained to meet the challenges of experimental research in agriculture, whether in the public or private sectors. To fulfill this mission, the PPGEEA has four basic axes of action:

• Transmit basic and current knowledge in Statistics and make contacts with various sectors of the job market, providing students with experience that allows them to evaluate the social importance of their activity
• Maintain the excellence, multidisciplinarity and internationalization of the faculty
• Stimulate the international student experience as much as possible
• Provide the best quality infrastructure for education and research


The PPG in Statistics has as main objective to contribute to the improvement of the experimental research aspects of agriculture. To achieve this goal, the PPGEAA acts in the training of professors, researchers and highly specialized professionals in Statistics.

Degrees granted

Master and Doctor in Sciences, major in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation 


The graduate program in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentationis accredited by CAPES, a governmental organization which is responsible for assessing and accrediting higher education institutions in Brazil, with a grading scale ranging 1-7, where 7 is the maximum score. In the most recent triennial assessment (2010-2012), the Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation program scored 5.

Digital library of theses and dissertations

Theses and dissertations defended at the University of São Paulo starting in 2001 have been made available for online research and download. The project is associated with the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), sponsored by UNESCO and provides the option of browsing the Agronomic Statistics and Experimentation program catalog by thesis, dissertation, author or college.